The Collection is being actively developed and expanded, as is its Access database [over 7,500 entries] which provides bibliographic details unmatched anywhere. Subject to conditions these are available on disc or flash-drive to institutions or to individuals whose work is deemed likely to benefit. Listings of items in specific areas of interest can be supplied.
I am more than happy to engage in dialogue at any level (preferably by e-mail) The exception is requests to recommend a text for performance, which is because there are so many variables – length, number of performers etca – that only you can decide. However, I can guide you to sites which offer a variety of texts and I can also try to find texts collected from your area.
Any of the items from the Digital Collection can be shared by e-mail, subject to size restrictions, and for the large ones there are discs.
If you are studying aspects of Mumming as part of a degree course, you should get in touch, as I can supply all the important stuff, much of it obscure, plus a load of unpublished works. If you don’t tell your tutors about me, they will be seriously impressed by your bibliography.